
澳門國際機場參加2018年世界航線發展大會 [本文来自]

澳門國際機場參加2018年世界航線發展大會 [原文来自]






Macau International Airport Representatives Participated in the

24th World Route Development Forum Held in Guangzhou

The 24th World Route Development Forum was organized by United Business Media Group and hosted by the Guangdong Airport Group. It was held in Guangzhou from 15th – 18th September 2018. Mr. Eric Fong, Director of Marketing Department of Macau International Airport Company Ltd. (CAM) and Ms. Elizabeth Cheong, Deputy Director of the Marketing Department represented to attend the Forum. The World Route Development Forum attracted 3,500 industry professionals, over 300 airlines from 112 countries, 700 airport management executives, 130 government and tourism agencies taking the opportunities to jointly promote the development of the global aviation industry.

CAM participates in the World Route Development Forum which held around the world every year. During the Forum, through communication with airlines, we can understand the needs of foreign airlines for open new routes to Macau, it helps to expand our horizons on the future, allow us to learn about airline development planning information as well as to enhance the airport’s international influences.

The World Route Development Forum is the only event that is attended by decision makers from airlines, airports, government agencies, tourism bureaus and related industries. It is held once a year and play an important role to promote the development of civil aviation, it provides airlines with an opportunity to learn about airport facilities and services. On the contrary, it is also an opportunity for airports to promote to airlines. CAM representatives had participated numerous meetings and met with various prospective airlines including China Express Airlines, Kunming Airlines, Sichuan Airlines, Qatar Airways and Turkish Airlines who has intention or has plan to operate flight services to Macau.

Taking advantages of the City pair meetings, we exchanged views with various airports and tourism organizations who were interested in the Macau market including Tourism Australia, Sydney Airport, Yagon International Airport, Cambodia Airports/VINCI Airports, Chubu Centrair International Airport (NGO) and China West Airport Group Co. Ltd. The relevant information has enabled Macau International Airport to play a strategic role in the expansion of the route network. CAM believes by participated the World Route Event meetings, it is expected that new destinations will enter into Macau market in the fourth quarter of this year and early next year, providing more travel options for Macau residents and travelers.

Source: Macau International Airport


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