Ksenia Breivo | 俄罗斯设计的折中主义



对任何设计师来说,将对立的气势和杂七杂八的装饰组合起来都是最难题的义务之一,所以不是每小我都能以折中的气势工作。俄罗斯的设计师Ksenia Breivo却将折中主义施展得极尽描摹,协调一向是追求的要害和方针。

Combining opposing styles and combining motley decor items is one of the most difficult tasks for any designer, so not everyone can work in an eclectic style. Designer Ksenia Breivo chose eclecticism for the interiors and it seems to us that she coped quite well,Harmony has been the key and the objective sought by her.

Moscow Apartment


Ksenia Breivo莫斯科市中心一栋20世纪初的建筑中彻底革新了这栋房子, 但保留了原有的庄园气势。是以,留存了大理石壁炉、门窗和石膏装饰,并在无法复原的处所进行了复制。

The one in charge of the reform was the interior designer Ksenia Breivo, who completely transformed the house but without losing the original manorial essence, in a building of the early twentieth century in the center of Moscow. Therefore, they conserved -and reproduced where it was not possible to recover- the marble fireplace, the doors and windows, the plaster moldings. Inside the Moscow apartment.


The distribution underwent a great transformation. The 70 square meters that the apartment has, previously very compartmentalized, are now an open space with living room, dining room and kitchen . To aesthetically unify all environments, the same chromatic pattern has been followed , with gray as the guiding thread , only broken by certain touches of color in some textiles that put counterpoint.

Golf Apartment


 这是一间看起来那么的舒适、平坦和布满活力的独身公寓,由设计师Ksenia BreivoVeronika Tabenskaya配合介入设计。位于莫斯科这间仅67平方米的公寓,被划分为一个私人区域,包罗一间卧室、一间更衣室和一间浴室,以及一间大厨房兼起居室,在圆滑的走廊里有一个雪茄柜。为了连结宽敞的感受,设计师使用了起码的内墙,在厨房和客堂之间有一个半透亮的架子,门厅只被板条分离隔,板条完美地划分了空间,但不干扰日光流。

The interior looks so cozy, warm and filled with life. The whole space of the 67-meter apartment in Moscow is divided into a private part with a bedroom, a dressing room and a bathroom, and a large kitchen-living room with a cigar corner in the glazed loggia. To preserve the feeling of spaciousness, the designer used a minimum of internal walls: between the kitchen and the living room there is a translucent shelving, and the entrance hall is separated only by lath partitions, which perfectly zoning the space, but not interfering with daylight streams.


The apartment owner has a hobby - golf, the motives of which became the basis of the interior decor. A green lawn-like carpet appeared in the bedroom, a wire sculpture depicting a golfer appeared on the wall, and the motif of golf balls appeared unobtrusively everywhere: in the outlines of round lamps and a floor lamp, tables and pillows on the chairs. On the living room wall is a picture of Pavel Polyansky's War of the Worlds. In the corner is a 1970s Italian lamp made of milky white murano glass, Mazzega.

Pairs Apartment


设计师Ksenia Breivo为莫斯科的这套莫斯科公寓选择了折中主义的室内设计,通亮的色调、富有示意力的版画、分歧平常的家具、异国情调的植物——设计师设法在统一室庐里找到了很多分歧平常的室内细节的协调应用。

Designer Ksenia Breivo chose eclecticism for the interior of this Moscow apartment, Bright color accents, expressive prints, unusual furniture, exotic plants - the author of the project managed to find a harmonious application to many extraordinary interior details under one roof. 


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