
Evaluating the NBA's two-way contract experiment through the eyes of players, executives and agents. [好文分享:www.ii77.com]




Two-way contracts were created with the hope of giving more players jobs, strengthening the relationship with the G League and team affiliates, increasing pay and more, but was it a success in the eye of those involved? It depends on who you ask.

For players, a two-way contract represents a foot in the door to living their dream full-time at the NBA level with the caveat of a burdensome travel schedule. For executives, two-way players represent the opportunity to find a diamond in the rough and develop cheaper and younger talent for the future. For agents, the two-way contract can offer their clients less opportunity and more obstacles than advertised.

NBA teams are allowed up to two players under two-way contracts. Those players spend the bulk of the season in the G League and a maximum of 45 days with their NBA team. Those players are paid a corresponding daily salary based on the number of days they play in each league. Only players with four NBA seasons of experience or less can sign two-way deals, which can be for either one or two seasons. A player has to be active for one day to get credit for a year of service.

While two-way contracts generally go to young players with potential upside, some older players with overseas experience took advantage of the opportunity. C.J. Williams, who previously played in Greece, Italy, France, and the former D League, earned a two-way contract at 27 with the Clippers.

"It's a dream come true, to be honest," Williams said. "I always wanted to play in the NBA and get an opportunity. It's not exactly an NBA contract, but at the same time I get an opportunity, and that's all I can ask for, and I've just been enjoying every moment of it, but I know my work isn't done. I can't be satisfied with just a two-way contract, I have to work to progress to get more."

Williams admitted it was "weird" to play for two different teams technically, but played well enough to force the Clippers to give him a multi-year contract with some guaranteed money.

Williams was eventually waived and signed a two-way deal with the Minnesota Timberwolves for this season.

Former Rockets two-way guard Markel Brown, 26, used the two-way contract as an opportunity to return to the NBA. The former second-round draft pick played two seasons for the Nets before spending one season in Russia with BC Khimki. After making substantially more overseas in Russia, Brown returned to the States with the hope of making the NBA again.


"On the court, I feel like for overseas there is a lot of competition depending on what league you're in, depending on what team you go and play for, it's a lot of competition," Brown said. "There are a lot of guys that used to be in the NBA that are overseas now, and I think it's great.

"Going overseas, being able to make some money to be able to take care of your family, but I think staying in the States and playing in the G League is also good as well. You've got great coaches in the G League who are constantly preparing you for their affiliate team, so I think both are great on the court. Off the court, for me, being in Russia the language, food, traveling around trying to venture out and see new things versus being in the States it's just like being home, so I think it opens up your eyes and makes you more thankful for what you have around you."

Brown played four games for the Rockets last season before signing in Turkey for the upcoming season.

"I think it's great for a lot of young players who are on the cusp to making rosters," Brown said. "I think it was great for me being that guy, coming back from injuries and trying to continue to fight to get into the NBA."

In addition to inconvenient travel plans on a moment's notice, some agents worried about the physical toll their clients endured and lack of sleep as former Brooklyn Nets two-way player Milton Doyle noted.

"It gets crazy sometimes just because you never know when you're going to get the call," Doyle said. "Somebody might get hurt or be sick or anything. You might get a call at twelve, one, or two in the morning and they tell you that you've got to fly out at 6:00 in the morning. The flight, just to get to the airport — especially in New York — is crazy traffic and then a flight. It just takes a toll on your body with whatever traveling you're doing."

These are the types of trips players will endure for that NBA daily paycheck, and even pass on a mother's home-cooked meal, as Detroit Pistons two-way player Reggie Hearn explained.

"There was one where we had a game at Grand Rapids at seven and Detroit had a game in Detroit at seven," Hearn said. "At 3:45 I got a call saying that I needed to come to Detroit and I think that was to play Miami. I think at the last second, one of the guys was a no go, so Stan (Van Gundy) wanted to make sure he had an extra wing on the bench, so I packed up all my stuff in 15 minutes. My mom was at my house ready to go to the game that night at Grand Rapids. I had to tell her, ‘Hey, sorry.' She made some chili, and mom makes some bomb chili (laughs). Then we got in the car, and as we pulled away they decided that the roads were too bad, so I was with Jon Phelps, our GM, so we just ended up heading straight to the game in Grand Rapids. I thought I was going to Detroit and making a heck of a lot more money that day."

Quinn Cook may have been the biggest winner of the two-way sweepstakes. He began the season as a two-way player for Golden State, averaged 9.5 points and 2.7 assists in 33 games played during the regular season, signed a multi-year deal with the Warriors and won a ring. For each executive, Cook offers hope that a two-way player can become a component to success.


"I like having another young player under our control to develop, and it allows for more flexibility and bodies to work with our younger roster players during development work," an Eastern Conference general manager said. "I don't like that the 10-day talent pool is more diminished for teams."

Along the lines of the executive's point regarding the dilution of talent for the 10-day pool, agents are hesitant to the new two-way idea of locking a player into one team for the season. In the past, their client could earn a call-up to a team that had a more pressing need and playing time readily available.

Some two-way players such as Jalen Moore (Bucks), Bronson Koenig (Bucks), Yakuba Ouattara (Nets), Eric Griffin (Jazz) and Michael Young (Wizards) never played a minute in the NBA. Several other players appeared in five or fewer games while on two-way contracts for their NBA team.

"Teams previously could access all the top players in the G League if they needed or wanted to," another agent said. "Now they're very limited. If a team needs to call up a point guard, they will not be able to call up the best point guard in the G League since he's likely locked in on a two-way with someone else."

Looking ahead, some agents suggested changes to improve the two-way system. Multiple agents said they want the league to eliminate multi-year, two-way deals and limit the number of two-way contracts a team can use per season.

"Teams like Milwaukee and Houston had at least four different guys on them (two-way contracts) throughout the year," one agent said. "They are not being used for 'development' players. They're being used as a way to circumvent the cap and a free (no cap hit) insurance policy against injury."

Multiple agents also said they believe late second-round picks are being selected partly due to a willingness to take a two-way deal and it could become a trend going forward. In last year's draft, Shake Milton (54), Thomas Welsh (58), George King (59) and Kostas Antetokounmpo (60) all signed two-way contracts.

Overall, if you're a fringe NBA player coming out of college, looking for a second chance in the league or preferring to remain in the States instead of going overseas, the two-way contract gives you a chance to make an impression on a team over the course of a season and become a full-time NBA player. In the process, you'll endure difficulty with travel schedules. If you're an executive, you can use multiple two-way players such as the Rockets and Bucks last season to save money against the salary cap, try out reclamation projects for an extended time and find a difference maker such as the Warriors with Cook. If you're an agent, it's imperative to correctly place your client with a team that will prioritize development, offer a chance to play and as concise travel plan as possible.


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