
亨廷顿舞蹈病与肠道菌群失调存在关联 [本文来自:www.ii77.com]

















中文来源: 新华网

Source:Neurobiology of disease

First evidence of disrupted gut bacteria in Huntington’s disease revealed


Australian researchers have for the first time examined the gut microbiome in a mouse model of Huntington’s disease, and found dramatic differences between healthy and diseased mice.


The research points to the urgent need for follow-up studies in humans to validate the findings. The study provides even more evidence that the gut plays a significant role in diseases of the brain.


Professor Anthony Hannan, a world-renowned authority on the disease processes underlying Huntington’s, was the first to show that environmental enrichment can slow down the inexorable decline.


Now, Professor Hannan, Geraldine Kong and colleagues have probed the relative levels of gut bacteria in a mouse model of Huntington’s disease, and found dramatic differences between healthy mice and genetically engineered mice that will develop Huntington’s as they age.


Male Huntington’s disease mice had different proportions of various bacteria compared to their healthy siblings.Intriguingly, they also ate more food but gained weight at a lower rate.


At the same time, the gut becomes dysfunctional, excreting excess water in faecal matter.


The first movement symptoms of the diseasealso appeared at this time, although the researchers are unable to say at this stage whether the altered microbiome (the billions of bacteria that live in thegut) plays any role in the timing of symptom onset.


According to Professor Hannan: “Gut microbiome changes have already been described in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, autism, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, type 2 diabetes and other diseases, with researchers excited about the possibility that understanding the link between the microbiome and disease could lead to new therapeutic approaches.”


“Before we jump that hurdle, we really need to know whether these same changes are seen in Huntington’s patients. I strongly suspect they will be, as this is a very accurate model of the disease.  Furthermore, the bacteria that live in thegut of mice are similar to those in the human gut, therefore such microbiome studies have direct clinical relevance.”


About Huntington’s disease:


Huntington’s disease is a fatal degenerative disease inherited from a parent, in which brain cells begin to dieleading to onset of symptoms in a person’s mid-30s to 40s, and sometimes earlier (five per cent of sufferers have juvenile onset).


Dysfunctional and dying brain cells cause gradually worsening movement symptoms, dementia and eventually death.  Huntington’s patients can also suffer from psychiatric symptoms, including depression.


Over 2500 Australians are diagnosed with Huntington’s at any one time - approximately the same frequency as other neurodegenerative diseases like motor neurone disease. Huntington’s is causedby a mutated copy (a ‘genetic stutter’) of the Huntington gene.


Family members who inherit the genemutation will always get the disease, and have a 50 per cent chance of passingit on to their children. Huntington’s research is chronically under-funded and therefore under-studied.


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