
LeBron James says opening school in Akron, Ohio, to be one of greatest moments in life




[–]HeatSpartanDawg18 1943 指標 1 天前 

For those who complete the program, which has been operating for years, James has arranged for free tuition to the University of Akron starting in 2021. He has also created a program for parents of the at-risk children to return to complete their high school educations and has planned an institute to help prepare high-school-age students for college. In all, James and his foundation leaders hope that more than 1,200 children will pass through the program and into college by 2029.


I'm so happy the face of the NBA is LeBron James


[–]Lebrons-Forehead 291 指標 23小時前 

And yet people will still find a way to hate on him. I’m so happy I got to see Lebron play


[–]bigbrycm 131 指標 22小時前 

The people that hate Lebron I think only hate him on the court. They love him off the court and his charity work


[–]klawhileonard 300 指標 1 天前 

Let’s just consider for a moment that if Lebron didn’t exist, Kevin Durant would be the face of basketball right now.


[–]Mavericksfudgetyler 620 指標 1 天前 

I think Curry would be the face.


[–]ThePhoenixJ 138 指標 1 天前 

Definitely. He already comes pretty close to LeBron in a lot of areas regarding popularity and stuff like that


[–]KnickedUp 201 指標 1 天前 

Curry was close for about a year and fell off hard on those measurables once KD joined him


[–]LakersSchroodingersDawg 194 指標 1 天前 

Get ready for LeBron to crush those numbers now that he’s in LA.

LeBron will sell a ridiculous amount of Jerseys.



[–][CLE] Cedi Osmanbigtittiesbigbutttoo 125 指標 1 天前 

Just drove by it like 15 minutes ago, right around the corner from St. V’s. Awesome site to see such an impactful person leaving his mark on this community!


[–]Cavaliersjordanscot **** 指標 1 天前 

This school is opening within walking distance from the most troubling neighborhood for kids growing up in Akron. #1 spot in our state for overdose and has been a drug-related murder hot spot for the last few years. The foundation is trying to break that cycle and it's such a positive influx for these kids. 


Between this school and the kids he's putting through college, LBJ is making major changes for the largest at-risk area and the locals appreciate so much more than what's being put out in the media.


[–][CLE] LeBron JamesISOballisbadmostly 491 指標 1 天前 

Happy for him. He gives so much back. I just wish it was in wine and gold but no matter what happy for him


[–]SunsFultonHomes 159 指標 1 天前 

Theres purple wine


[–]76ersEggianoScumaldo 126 指標 1 天前 

Yeah but gold isn’t banana yellow


[–]steveadamsm8 657 指標 1 天前 

life is bigger than basketball. Enormous credit to James for continuously having his heart in the right place and utilizing his platform to give back and change lives. Forging a path for the future leaders of your community is one of the most fulfilling things one can do.


[–]AggravatingReturn 84 指標 1 天前 

is it strange to say he's probably the best face the nba's ever had? maybe proven wrong but the longevity factor is my main argument


[–]Sixtydotnine 143 指標 1 天前 

What do you mean probably? He doesn't do drugs, hell he drinks wine with his wife and posts about it, he has commercials with his family, he didn't rape anyone, he does sooo much for the community, and he is the best baller alive. What other great can top that?


[–]rhdkcnrj 96 指標 1 天前 

I like how “he didn’t rape anyone” is just thrown in there like it’s on a level with the rest of those reasons. Totally agree though- Lebro**** **** ****n outstanding role model/face of the NBA


[–]Lakersgyxorz 97 指標 1 天前 

So much this. A big reason why I love sports is how it has the power to break down barriers and transcend cultural/social boundaries. And I can't think of a sport or a league right now better than the NBA in terms of its top echelon of athletes being such great role models.


[Windhorst] 文章:勒布朗在俄亥俄东北部留下的遗产包括一个总冠军、失望......还有希望。总冠军戒指证明了他在篮球上的贡献,而他今天所做的事情(成立学校)则是寄希望于能够改变家乡下一代孩子们的命运。

[Windhorst] Article: LeBron's legacy in northeast Ohio includes a title, disappointment ... and hope. While ring counters debate LeBron James’ basketball legacy, he’s doing something today he hopes will alter a generation of children in his hometown.


[–]Spursgbeezy09 412 指標 9小時前 

the fact that kids can go to college for free if they complete the school, is amazing.


[–]ParityClarity 260 指標 8小時前 

And that it's a public school that focuses on education the hard way.

Longer days, longer school years.

There is not enough money (spent the right way) in our education system to actually focus on kids having trouble.




I love that LeBron values his life being saved by the family bringing him in at this age that he is trying to mimic that for as many kids as possible.

It might not be a perfect solution but it's 1000x better than it being argued about by bureaucrats and being shut down before it ever had a chance.



[–]Spursgbeezy09 100 指標 8小時前 

Oh for sure, it's a step towards possibly the perfect solution. At the end of the day, LeBron walks the walk and I like that about him.


[–]Timberwolvestunafister 70 指標 7小時前 

LeBron is like Obama to me, I just want to meet someone who is well accomplished, overcame adversity, and is just a good person in general.

I live in the LA area and I really want to shake Lebrons hand at some point



[–]VerySadAllTheTime 94 指標 6小時前 

And Lebron didn’t even kill a ton of people


[–]z1dly 80 指標 6小時前 

A few of the people he's dunked on might disagree.


[–]RaptorsDeArmani_DeBooker 99 指標 10小時前 

He's a good dude. Love this


[–]CasualGamerPro617 460 指標 10小時前 

Stephen A. Smith: “LeBron James is a great father, a great husband, a generous philanthropist, a movie star, director, role model for thousands of kids, hell when this man passes gas it’s perfume.”

Stephen A. Smith表示:“勒布朗-詹姆斯是一个好父亲、好丈夫、一位慷慨的慈善家、一个电影明星、导演,他是成千上万孩子们的榜样,就连他放的屁,诶西,都是香水味。”

[–]sop****2 306 指標 10小時前* 

Skip: Michael Jeffrey Jordan would pay off my mortgage

Skip Bayless(美国第一詹黑):换成是迈克尔-杰弗里-乔丹,他会帮我还清贷款!

[–][PHI] Allen IversonConfusedAlgernon 98 指標 9小時前 

Jordan would pay your mortgage and then spit on your house.


[–][TOR] Jonas Valanciunasbloopcity 275 指標 10小時前 

Probably the single most important/influential celebrity role model for young kids these days.


[–]LakersRi*河蟹*rtis818 92 指標 8小時前* 

Which is a large part of the reason the reason I’ve always been labeling him the GOAT for the past 8ish years.

People always gave me shit cause I’ve been saying this in my middle and high school in Los Angeles (everyone says Kobe is the GOAT, or some Jordan), but I try to explain that it has a lot to do with that he is a role model off the court as well.



I hope many superstars to come in future sports can be as good of a person as him.


Edit: You guys it’s fine if you don’t agree, I’m not saying that my GOAT opinion is significant or should effect yours. Jordan or others may be objectively better, but I’m also trying to be real that as a 19-year-old I have never seen Jordan play live, so I’d rather rock with the guy I know way more about than be a typical kid who claims Jordan is the GOAT just based on highlight reels.

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