药明康德录用Frederick H. Hausheer博士为首席医学官


药明康德录用Frederick H. Hausheer博士为首席医学官 [原创文章:www.ii77.com]


中国上海,美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀,2019年4月8日——药明康德今天公布Frederick H. Hausheer博士已正式到场公司,担当首席医学官(Chief Medical Officer)。




在到场药明康德之前,Hausheer博士在多家生物制药公司担当首席执行官和首席医学官,他曾是BioNumerik Pharmaceuticals公司的创始人兼董事长。他照样摩根大通(JP Morgan Chase)、约翰霍普金大学惠特克研究所(Whittaker Institute at Johns Hopkins)、美国国度癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute, NCI)等多家组织机构的贸易咨询..成员。在他职业生涯早期,Hausheer博士曾在NCI的实验治疗部、决议收集小组和机构审查..任职,普遍介入了浩瀚国度级和国际级的临床I-III期试验项目,项目内容涉及肺癌、乳腺癌、卵巢癌以及其他恶性肿瘤的立异疗法。




WuXi AppTec Appoints Dr. Frederick H. Hausheer as Chief Medical Officer

SHANGHAI and AUSTIN, Texas, April 8, 2019 -- WuXi AppTec, a leading global pharmaceutical and medical device open-access capability and technology platform company, today announces the appointment of Dr. Frederick H. Hausheer as Chief Medical Officer for the company. 

In this executive role, Dr. Hausheer will provide medical, scientific and operational leadership to WuXi Clinical operations in the United States, China and other territories. In addition, he will play a key role in forging and maintaining strong connections between our customers and WuXi’s business units by providing inputs on medical and clinical development strategies aimed at seamless integration from preclinical translational research and development into first-in-human studies, as well as for Phase I-IV clinical development plans for our customers.

Dr. Hausheer brings more than 30 years' experience in global oncology clinical drug development and translational science and medicine in commercial and academic settings. He has extensive experience in translational/IND programs, clinical trial design, commercial clinical development, and involvement in regulatory interactions for novel agents spanning from pre-IND and Phase I-III development in the United States, China, Europe, Japan and other territories.

“We’re very excited to welcome Dr. Hausheer onboard as our Chief Medical Officer,” said Mr. Edward Hu, Co-CEO of WuXi AppTec. “Dr. Hausheer’s rich experience in global oncology clinical drug development and translational science and medicine makes him ideally suited to taking this role. We are confident in his leadership to strengthen WuXi’s clinical development capabilities and capacity globally, and enable more customers to develop better medicine faster to benefit patients around the world.”

Prior to joining WuXi, Dr. Hausheer held CEO and CMO positions with several Biopharma companies, and was the Founder and Chairman of BioNumerik Pharmaceuticals. He has also served as a business advisory board member to JP Morgan Chase, the Whittaker Institute at Johns Hopkins, and the National Cancer Institute. Early in his career he served on the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Experimental Therapeutics Section, the NCI Decision Network Panel, and the NCI Institutional Review Board, followed by extensive involvement in national and international Phase I-III clinical trials involving novel treatments for lung, breast, ovarian and other malignancies.

Dr. Hausheer obtained his MD at the University of Missouri, School of Medicine and then became a faculty member at the Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, where he focused on the development of novel experimental therapeutics and pharmacology. He currently holds adjunct professorships at the University of Missouri in Internal Medicine and Oncology and The Johns Hopkins Oncology Center in Medical Oncology. He is an inventor/co-inventor on more than 400 issued United States and international patents. 

About WuXi AppTec

WuXi AppTec is a leading global pharmaceutical and medical device open-access capability and technology platform company with global operations. As an innovation-driven and customer-focused company, WuXi AppTec provides a broad and integrated portfolio of services to help our worldwide customers and partners shorten the discovery and development time and lower the cost of drug and medical device R&D through cost-effective and efficient solutions. With its industry-leading capabilities such as small molecule R&D and manufacturing, cell therapy and gene therapy R&D and manufacturing, and medical device testing, WuXi platform is enabling more than 3,500 innovative collaborators from more than 30 countries to bring innovative healthcare products to patients, and to fulfill WuXi's dream that "every drug can be made and every disease can be treated." Please visit: http://www.wuxiapptec.com



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